Test 10


Test 10
Test 10
Name____________________ Class_______
Use your English
1 Rewrite these sentences using the passive form.
1 The police accused him of the murder.
2 The police are investigating two other murders.
3 We put the water into the saucepan and boil it.
4 Someone has stolen Helen’s bag!
5 His parents gave him a new computer for his birthday.
6 They had made the pizza that morning.
7 Dickens wrote Great Expectations and A Tale of Two Cities.
8 They will finish the new bridge by next month.
9 Millions of people have read the novels of Agatha Christie.
10 Monkeys brought him up in the jungle.
2 Complete these sentences using the causative form of the verbs below.
take out
1 I ________________ this suit ________________ this morning. Now look at it!
2 We’re going to ________________ the house ________________ this month.
3 She ________________ her hair ________________ every month.
4 I’m ________________ the car ________________ at the moment. I take it to the garage every six
5 I’ve just been to the dentist and ________________ a tooth ________________.
6 I wish I could ________________ these shoes ________________ instead of buying new ones.
7 Some elderly people ________________ their meals ________________ for them every day.
8 You’d better ________________ your eyes ________________ if you can’t see the board well.
9 When my CD player wasn’t working, I ________________ it ________________.
10 I think I’ll ________________ a new dress ________________ for the wedding.
Words, words, words
3 Choose the correct word A, B, C or D to complete these sentences.
1 Who left this _____ of paper on the floor?
A lots
B pile
C line
D pack
C cast
D swarm
2 There was a _____ of flies near the dustbin.
A group
B pack
 Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2001
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3 The _____ on the ship were really helpful and friendly.
A colleagues
B crew
C pilots
D team
4 The farmer was looking after a _____ of cows in a field nearby.
A crowd
B crew
C flock
D herd
5 The singer was given a _____ of flowers after the performance.
A bunch
B group
C pack
D herd
6 The footballer was surrounded by a _____ of supporters.
A gang
B crowd
C set
D pile
C team
D crowd
7 A _____ of doctors looked after the crash victims.
A crew
B cast
8 The _____ of the film included famous stars like Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio.
A cast
B gang
C group
D crew
9 I wish we could do something about the _____ of stray dogs in the streets.
A pile
B gang
C pack
D swarm
C shoal
D flock
10 The _____ of sheep walked along the road.
A herd
B pack
4 Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the
in the same line.
1 Picasso was the most famous _____________________ of the twentieth century.
2 One of his most famous _____________________ is Guernica.
3 I love Rome – the _____________________ is so interesting.
4 He wants to be a _____________________ when he leaves school.
5 Charles Dickens was a great English _____________________ .
6 Isaac Newton was one of the greatest _____________________ of all time.
7 An _____________________ spends a lot of time studying the sky.
8 Why do you want to become an _____________________?
9 The _____________________ of that statue is unknown.
10 The Louvre in Paris is a beautiful _____________________.
5 Write sentences using these words.
1 adopt ______________________________________________________________________________________
2 come up to __________________________________________________________________________________
3 realize _____________________________________________________________________________________
4 chatter _____________________________________________________________________________________
5 speechless _________________________________________________________________________________
6 bring up ____________________________________________________________________________________
7 transform ___________________________________________________________________________________
8 translate ____________________________________________________________________________________
9 shoal ______________________________________________________________________________________
10 employ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Total marks:
 Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2001
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Benzer belgeler

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