The effectiveness of a Secondary Teacher Education Graduate


The effectiveness of a Secondary Teacher Education Graduate
The effectiveness of a Secondary Teacher Education
Graduate Program according to administrators,
faculty members and students
Unever G., Bumen N.T., Basbay M.
Ege University, Education Faculty, Bornova, 35041 Izmir, Turkey
Abstract: The purpose of this case study is to examine the effectiveness of a Secondary Teacher Education
Graduate Program. We collected qualitative data through interviews with two graduate school directors, five
department heads, 58 faculty members and five students at Ege University. We conducted a descriptive
analysis technique on the data. According to the results, there are many problems concerning the program
such as high quotas of students, unsatisfactory selection of students, lack of motivation for the program and
the courses both among the students and the faculty members, insufficiency of the faculty members in the
areas of knowledge and pedagogy, inefficiencies in the management of the courses (especially of the
practical courses), lack of specific institutions and persons responsible for the program. Furthermore, the
program does not reflect the innovations in teaching and the changes in secondary education. The
participants mainly suggested administrative solutions for the program. © 2010 Eǧitim Danişmanliǧi ve
Araştirmalari İletişim Hizmetleri Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Author Keywords: Pre-service teacher education curricula; Secondary teaching; Teacher training
Year: 2010
Source title: Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri
Volume: 10
Issue: 3
Page : 1807-1824
Link: Scorpus Link
Document Type: Article
Source: Scopus
Authors with affiliations:
1. Ünever, G., Ege University, Education Faculty, Bornova, 35041 Izmir, Turkey
2. Bümen, N.T., Ege University, Education Faculty, Bornova, 35041 Izmir, Turkey
3. Başbay, M., Ege University, Education Faculty, Bornova, 35041 Izmir, Turkey
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