Inspired by their mullJal desire to strengthen and deepen the


Inspired by their mullJal desire to strengthen and deepen the
UPDJil.IX llfDO!tiUilA
FOR THE YEA RS 2010- 201 2
The M<nistry o f Cu lture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia and the
Mi.-.stry of C ullure and Toui'ISm ol lh" Repubfoc o f Tuft<ey. hereinafrer referred to
as the ' Parties·;
In spired by their mullJal desire to strengthen and deepen the already existing
lrlendly relations between lhe lodooesian and Tur~ish peoples;
Convinced that contacts. exchanges and cooperation in the fields ol culture shaQ
lead to a better understandif19 of their hist<>ry. trad~ions and respective cultures :
Roferring to the Cultural Agreement Between the Government of the Republic ol
Ind onesia and the Go•ernment of the Republic of Turkey signed in Jakarla on
Aug ~SI 18. 1973;
Pursuant to the pre-ailing laws ano regulations in the two cou ntfies:
Have agree<J upon the lollowing Cultural Exchange Program for the years 2010 2012, which they believe shall sewe as a viable framework and constitute a firm
ground to enhance their overan bilateral relations.
The Parties shall:
( 11 Strengthen cooperation in the fields of culture with a v1ew to contributing to
the u niversal culture by way ol reciprocally supporting their mutual cu ltural
(2) Encourage the organizing of film weeks, during which they shall exGhange
one to three (1 - 3) experts in the field of cinema.
(3} Encourage oooperation among their respective film institutions with a view
to realizing jomt film prod udions by their film proC:ucers.
(4} Ptovide information and facilitate the participation of p rofessional short and
long films as well as cinematographers {directors, actors, and Scliptw•iters)
to the intemattonal f11m festivals to be h eld m their {e!Ipechve countries.
(5) Promote cooperation in the field of ctnernatography and reciprocally inform
each otner of the international conferences. congre$$10$. workshops and
(6) Exchange information. oublications and documents on cinematooraohv.
The Patties shall:
(1) Encourage reciprocal puticipat;on in intemational exhibitions. biennials,
symposta, and other similar events to be held in theu r~pective countries
in the field of arts.
(2) Promote the exchange of publications (books. catalogtJe and brochures) in
the field of folklore.
(3) Enoourage the reciprocal ho!dtng of exh1bitions in the field of traditiona1
handict1lfts. folk culture. and exchang e publications related with the
(4) Reciprocally encourage the holding of exhibitions in the field of
preseNation and res1oration of immovable ctitural monument$.
archaeological and nah.ual sites. and the participation of theit respe(.tive
experts and scientists to international congresses. conferences and
symposia to be held in these fields.
Archaeology and Museology
The Parties shall coopell!lte in:
(1) The lielo of archaeology, hostory, museol09y and exchang~ publications as
won as experts
{2) The fields of research, preservation and conservation of cultural and
historical heri1a£e pursuant to the relevant convel"'tioos of UN ESCO and
other international agreements to which tht;t Parties are signatories.
(3) The exchange of experts. expertise and publications concerning the
identrftcation. protection, conservation and restoratioi\S of immoV"abJe
cultural monuments, archaeological and natural sites.
(4) The holding of rerninars on cultural histori~al link between the Parties in
both ccuntties. with the first such $eminar to be organi?.eo by ln<fonesia in
Aceh (NAO) by the year 2011
Performing Arts
(4.1) The Partoes shall:
(1} Encoura9e coopelation in the field of theater. music and dance,
inclu<ling reciprocal translation of seteded plays by tl\eir playwrights.
and the exchange of t heater administrations. directors. actors and
(2) Encourage, within the avallab1hty of theu financial means, the
holding of t~eater workshops and joint sernonars in the field of
pertorming arts training, and parlicipation to performing ans festivals
to be held in I heir re~pective countries.
(4.2) The Patties may conduct a joint research with a view to d'~volop joint
cultu"' in the fiel<l of pertorming arts.
ln !AIIIe<:tual Property Righta
Any resut ol activities In thb fields of scieno;e, arts. and literature , which are
perto1111ed under this Program, snail be subjea to the ISWS and rogulaUons
concerning the protection of rntelectual propetty rights In the respedivo terrilories
of the Parties.
The Parties shall mutually protect the intellect~al property rights of citizens and
the nationals ol the other party, in so far as thOse rights are related 1Mth the
actiVities conducted under this Program in accordance with their respective
national le;Jistation as well as tile iltemat ional treaties or which lhey a re both
contracting Parties.
The Parties shal consult. and cooperate. as approptiale. within the Wc<ld Trade
Organization (WTO). the World lntePectual Property Organization (WIPO), ano
otller related inlernatlonel organization. as regards issues of common interest in
the field of the prot<!Ction of intellectual property ~ghts .
Prevention cl the Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Heritage
The Parties shall cooperale in the prevention of Illegal importation I expollation
and transfer or works of art an<l cuHural property, and sh<>ll take the entire
neoessary preventive measures through their customs s;uvices with " view to
pre"'!nting illegal trade ol cullural property.
Settlement of Dispute&
Any dispute between the Parttes on the interpretation or implementation ol
this Cultural Exch ange Plogram Shall br! seUied amicably through consultations
and I or negot•ations between the Parties.
General and Finan cial Provisions
(8.1) All the activities and the e"'hange envisaged i n thi s Prog<am shall be
imp lemented th ro~ gh diplomatic channels. in oornpliance with tne
M tional legislation of the Parties and within the limits of ;wailable
financial resources.
(8 .2) This Program does not exclude the possibility of acce<ling to or fllt'
i mplementation of any other c~ltu rat actilli\y or exch ange to be agreed
~ pon among the Partie s through <fJPiomatic channels.
(6.3) In order to ensure the g ood implementation or the activities and the
erch anges
envisaged i n this Program. the Parties shall Inform
each o ther at least one month in
ad vance of the scheduled visit of
the delegations. groups and lllOividuals along w~h their names and
itinerary. The exact <lates of arrival and dep arture shall be
comm ~ nica ted at least two weeKs in advance.
(8.4) The Pa<1ies will submit and cOilClude requasts for scientific resea"h and
study in compliance wi!h the re~>peclive national legislalron of the
(6.5) Unl e ~s otherwise specifN!d. 11\e Sendmg Party sh all cover hvo·way
internarional travel expense& (to the point of destination and "'lurn) of
the member$ of delegations or individuals whereas the Receiving Party
sh all cover the erpenses relating to lhe vrsrl or's stay: lodging. boarding
and domeshc travel expenses.
(8.6) The Receiving Party shaH provide free medical treatment in a public
t>ospi\al in ccse of ~dden Illn ess o f the >lisitors and the scholarship
holders in urgent ca$eS. The cost of medical aid in case of long·lerm
hospital treatmen t. non. urgent surgeries and denial prostheses shall nol
be covered .
(B. 7) The cost crt the preparation of fi lms, microfilms, and Photoststs of
hoslorical documents shall be borne by the requesting party.
(6.8) The Sending Party shall infonn the Receiving Party at ltast (12)
months 1n advance about 1he dates and Ihe theme of tne e<hibiUO~
unde • pJepararion. To make proper arrangements for the exhibition.
!he Sending Party shall pro\'ide essenloal tedlnical informatioo on the
intended exhibition as well as material indispensable for the printing of
the catalogue (preface. list of objects. pholog<aphs. etc.) atteMt lhfee
(3) months before tne opening. Exhibits shal reach the place of
destination at least fifteen ( 15) days before the opening.
(S.q ) The cost J;>f lfansporlaloon and insurance of exhibition material to and
from the Receiving Party shaft be cove•ed by lhe sending Party. The
Receiving Party s!ualt cover the elfll(!nses for the domestic tra•sponation
and insurance of exhibition material and the p<eparauon of me elC!llbluon
(8.10)The Parties shall facilitate the Issuing of appropriate visas to the
participants ol
the exchanges envisaged in Ihe present P<ogram in
accO<daJice with thei< nalionallegrslati~.
Entry Into Foree. Amendments, Duration an d Termi1>aUon
(1) The present Program shall enter into force on th& date ol lhe reteipt ot the
last written notification by which the Parties notify each other. through
diplomatic chanMis. of the completion of lheir internal legal procedures
required tor the ent<y iqto lo<ce or the toncemed document.
(2) The present Ptogram may be ameQdOd upon mutual consent of Pa<ties.
Such amendment snail enter into force in accordance with Ute procedure
set fMh in Paragraph 1 of thos An icte.
(3) This Program shall rema1n 1n force for a period or 3 years from the dale of
ils ento·y inlo fOtce and shaN be e>Ctended automatically for successive
periods of 1 yea< unless one ol the Cont<acting Parties notifies the otMr in
w<~ing through diplomatic channels of its intention to tenninate the Program
6 months pfiot to its er.piratCon.
UNTUK TAHUN 2010-2012
Kemenlerian t<ebudayaan dan PathYi$8Ul Republik
lndones.•a dan l(~nter1an
Kebudayaan da n Pariwis~ta Rei)<Jbl k Turkl setanjutnya disebut setl\~i " Para
Oiilham• oleh ke1ngil\an bersama \Jntuk rnemperkuat dan mempe~ dal'arn hubl.l"'gan
per$ahabatan yang sudah leljain antara ra~yal Turki dan rakyat Indonesia;
Berkeyaklnan bahwa hubungan. pertukaran dan kerja sarna dl biaa~g kebudayaan
akan '"~ndoran~:~ saling pemahaman tentang sejarah, lladisl dan budaya maslng-
Merujuk pada Perjanjian ~nuoayaan antara Pemerinlall Republik
Pemerintah Repubti•
AgusttJs 1973:
Turkl dan
Indonesia yang ditandatangani di Jakarta pada tanggal 18
&rdasarkan hutu, don pertl\\ltan peru~Ciarlg&n yang ~ku di kedua negara:
leiah menyepakati Program Penukaran Kebudayaan uncuk tahun 2010-2012 boiV<JJl
yang diyakini akan b<orfungsl scbog•l kerangl<a ker10 ~ang layak daA dasa• yang pasli
untuk meningkat~an hubungan bliaterat secara kBS<IIuruhao:
Para Plhak w ajib:
Memperkuat kerja sama dl bodang kebwOayaan dengan tujuan uoluk rnemberi
konhibt.5i budaya yang univerMI dengoo salrng mendukung ase1budaya
'Mendarong penyel eO!J9Maan festival film. dill\ana akan dilakukan penukaran
satu hingga tiga (I· 3) ahli di bidang film.
Mendorong lo:efja sama antar lembaga r.lm masing·masing nP.gara unluk
rnewujudkan prOduksi film bersatna oleh produser kedua belah pihak .
Menyediakan intormasl dan membanlu keil:utsenaan fitm.fllm pendei< dan
panjang yang profnional sena para sineas (sutradara. perneran. dan penutis
skenario) pada Festival Film lnternasional yang akan disetenggarakan di
masing·masing negara
Mcningkatkan kerjasama di b1dang sinenoatografi dan saNng memberi inl 01masi
tentang konferensi. kongres. lokakarya. simposium interna sio<lal.
Bertukar inf01masi publlkasi. dan naekah di bidang $lnematografi.
Pasal 2
Para PIMk wajlb:
{1) Mendo•ong partisipa~ i timbal batik dalam pameran internasional. acara dua
I~ hunan. simposium.
dan acara serupa lainnya dalam bida ~g sen I yang akan
diselenggarakan d• mas>ng.mastng negara.
Mcmprt>mosikan pertukaran publikasi (buku. kalatog, dan brosur) di bidang
csrita rakyat.
Mendocong penyetenggaraan pameran secara ffmbal balik di bidan~ ke1ajiMn
lradlsiot>&l. fradis1 rakyat. dan psrtukaran publikasi yang te<i<ait dengan hal tersobut.
(4) Saling mendorong penyetenggaraan pam.,an di bidang pelestarian dan reslorasi
bangunan budaya. situs ••keologi dan silus atam. serta part,.ipas. masing·masing al>li
dan ilmuwan k.e Smngres. konrerens.i, dar~ symposrurn internasronal mengenaj bidang
lers~b ut
Pasal 3
A rt.eo!Og• dan M useolog i
Pam. piha&< wajib bekerjasama dalam:
( 1) Bidang arkeologi, sejarah. museofogi, dah pertuka:ran publ•kasi sella ahli.
(2) Bidang penelihan, pelestaria!) konse rvasi wansan btrdaya dan sejarah sesuai
deogan konvensi telkait dari UNESCO dan petjanjian internasion al lainflya
dimana mereka menjadi pihak.
(3} para pakar, atlli. dan publi~as.i tenta ng idenliflkasi. p@r1induogan,
konservasi dan reslofasi bangunan budaya, situs arkeologi dan situs ;:llam.
(4} Per.yelenggaraan seminar ten~ang hubungan s.ejarah bud.aya antara para Piha"k di
lndonesra dan seb.aliknya, Indonesia akan mengadakan seminar pertam a
mengena• hal ini di Aceh (NAD) pada tahun 2011.
Pasal 4
Seni ?e rtunj uka n
(4.1} Para Pillak wajib:
(1' Mendorong ke~a sama di bid ang t&ater, mus!k dan tari. •ermasuk saling
menerjemahkao drama~crrama terpl l~h oleh para penulis.nya. serta pertukaran
pe!ugas aelminjslr.asi, sutrad<OJra. pemetan. dan penari teater.
Mendo rong, sssuai keterse-<:~•aan keuangan para Pihak, psnyerenggaraan
loka1f;arya •eater dan $.emil'li:u bersama di bidang pelaUha n seni pe-rtunjukan.
dan p.anis!pas• uotuk fes~ival seni pertunjukan yang akan
negara masmg-masing.
dls.e l~nggarakan
{4.2} Para Piha); dapat melakukan penelifjan bersama d-engan •ujuan untuk
mengembangkan budaya bersama di bidaag s.eni penunjukan.
Hat. Kekayaan lmeleklual
Sernua hasil dari kegialan llmu pengelahuan, seni dan sawa. yang dihasilkan dengan
program ini. wafob berdasal1<an peraturan perundan!J-ondangan mengenai hak
kekayaan Ol!elektual dlmasing·rnaslng wil~yah para Pillak .
Para Pihak wajib secara bersanla·sama mefindungl hak kel<ayaan inleleklual
warganegaranya dan warga Negara pihak lainnya. sepanjang perllndungan lersebtJt
ada hubungannya aengan kegiatan ctolam program lni, sesuai dengan perannn
nasional dan omernasional dimana kedua Neg;ua manjadi Pihal<.
Para pihak wajil> sallng berkoosultasl, bekecjasama secara wajar aalam kerangka
Organisasl Perdagangan Ounia {WTO). organisasi Petfindungan Keka)'aan lntelektual
Ounia {WIPO). dan o<ganisasi lntemasional t,l1< aitl~innya sebagal Kepenti~gan umum
datam hAl perlindungan hak kekayaan lntelektual.
Pencegahan Penyetu/ldup;>n llegal Wa<isaA Budaya
Pa111 p;hak wajtb bBkt:rja sama a"'am pencegahan impot/ el<spor dan camindahan
i<arya son! dan kekayaan budaya secara llegal. serla harus mengamllil langkah·
l<>ngkall pencegahan yang <fpertu ~an kantor bea Wl<ai masing .masing negara dengan
tujuan unluk mencegah pe<dagangan llegal kel<ayaan budaya.
Penyelesaian Pe•&etisihan
So.>tiap perselisihan anlara Para Pihak mengenal penafsiran alau pelaksanaan
Program Pertul<aran Budaya ioi wajib diselasalkan secara damai melalui konsooltasi
dan 1 atau negosia&i an1ara Para Piltak
Ketentuan Umum dan Keuangan
(6.1) Semua kegiatan dan pertukaran yang ada dalam Program ini 1\arus
di•ak.sanakan n1elalui saturan o'iplomabk. ~;esuai dengan hukum nasional Pal'3
Pihak dan datam kapasflas sumber pendanaan yang tersed1a .
(8.2) PrOgram ini tidak mongect1atikan kem..ogkinan petaksanaan kegfatan atau
pe"ukaran kebudayaan lain yang akan dlseP#ati metat.Ji saluran oiplomatik.
(6.3) Untuk menjamin pelaksanaan yang bail< dan keglatan dan pertukaran yang ada
dalam Program lni. Para Pi"ak harus saing memberi informasi setid-dnya satu
l>utan teb1h awal tentang jadYoal kunjungan dategasi. kelompok dan petorsngan
l>eserta nama·nama dM jadwal perjalanan mereka. Tanggat tepat dari
kedatangan Clan kebelangkatan horus <li&aiTijlaikan setidaknya dua minggu
lebih awal
(8.4) Permohonan penelnlan ilmiah aan stu<li harus dia)ukan ke Pihak lain melalui
saluran dipkimatik setidaknya dua !:dan ~!>belum langgol kunjungan.
Permohonan tersebut harus m<!noalwp uwayat hidup yang m angaj ukan. jangka
waktu kunjungan dan institus1yang akan dikun)ungi.
(8.5) Kecuali diseb<ilkan secara khusu$. Pihak penginm h<>rus .nembiayai perjal anan
in!ernaslonal pu1ang1JCrgl (~e tempal (ujusn dan kemballnya) anggola delegasi
a.tau peroraogan dimana Pihak. Penerima hatus membiayai biaya te r1<~it
kunjungan. penginapan, asrama dan biaya pe<jalanan dalam negerl.
(8.6) Pihak Penerima wajib meov~diaka n banh•an medis secara cuma.wma di
rumah sakit umum apab1la te ~adl sakit yang mendadg:k dari tamu at11u
penerima bl>aSiswa dalam keaaaan ~Jaru<al . Biaya pengobala• untuk jangka
pa ~aflg yang ber6it:ll operasi tida~ penling dan dental proothese lidak harus
ditanggvng Pihak Pane-rima
(8 7)
Biaya persiapan r~m. miW~m . dan penggandaan dokl.WI1en
dilanggung oleh Pohak yang mengajokan.
sojara ~
(8.8} Pihak Peng<lim wajib memberitahu pihak peneri ma. selamba~lambalnya 12
(dua betas) bulan oobelumnya mengenai tanggal (!an tema pameran sesuai
dengan J><tr>liapan. Melakullan pengaturan yang memadal untu~ pamaran plllak
pengirim wajib menyedlakan lnf()rma si leknis yang penMg <lan keinginan
pa.mera~~ serta bahan-bahan yang mudah untuk pencetabn kalatog (SepeJ1i
folo. dafter yang akan dltampilkan <lan ooterusnya} selambat·lambatnya riga
bulan sebetum pembukaan. Puerla Pame"'n wajib Ieiah berada di lempat
tujuan palitlg lambat 15 hari sebelum pembukaan.
(8 9)
Braya l ranspot1asi dan a~uransi materi pa.meran ke dan dari Pihak penerima
harus dilanggunQ Pihak pengirlm.Pilak penerima harw menanggung biay•
lransportasi dalam negeri. asUJansl materi pameran, dan persiapan tempat
(8.10) Para Pihak harus memfasililasi penerbitan visa peserta pertukaran yang ada
dalam Pr<>gram ini sesual dengan perundangan nasional mereka.
Mulai Berlaku. perubahan, Jangka W aktu. dan Peng akhiran
Program ini wajib mulai berlaku $ejak tang9a1 penerimaan pemberitahuan
terakhir secara tertulis para piha.k sating memberltahu melalui saluran diplomatic
mengenai sete-sain)'3 prosedur hukum internal seperti disyaratkan unlu'k mulai
berl.aku dokumen terl<ait
Program ini Oa,pal dirubah beroosarkan porsetujuan bersama oleh para pihak.
Perubahan dimaksud wajil> mulai berla~u ber<lasar1<an prosedur yang diatur pada
ayat I pasal l ni.
l'rogram itti tetap berlal<u untllk jangka waklu tiga l ahun mulai dari tanggal
berlal<o dan dapat diperpanjan" secara Olomatis unt~k jang\ a wa'<lu satu tahun
ben1<Utnya kecuali &alah satu pihak memreril ahukan pihak lain seca« tP.IIulis
molafui saturan diplomatic mengellai keinginannya untuk mengakhiti pc-ogram
pertukaran enam bulan seblllujm berakhirnya.
Er>Oonezya Cumhuriyetl KOitur ve Turozm Bakanh~r ile Tur1<iye Cumhuriyeli KCftllr ve
Turtzm Bakanl~r. bundan bijyle ·rarallar" olarak anrlacakllf.
Endonezya ve TOrk halklaro orasrnda halihaz"da mevcul dostane
glir;lendinnek ve deronle~lirmek hususunda ortak arzulaflnd ~ n ilham alarak.
ili~ ile ri
Kulur sahalarinda i emaslann. del)r~imlerin ve i~bi'liQinin, oanh, gelenek ""
kiiliiflerinin daha iyi anl8$rlmaslnl saOfa yacaO~na inanar;ok .
18 ~uS!OS 1973 tarihinde Cakana'da rmzalanan ~ndonezya Cumhuriyeti Hiii<On>eli
ae TOrl<iye Cumhuriyetl HUkumeli ara&lnd8 K0110r Anla~masrna a llfta ,
Olketerindeki mevcol mevzuat ve dllzenlemelltr uyannca.
Uyguranabilir bir cerceve sundu~una ve bOton ikili fli~kolerin genetinde ilerleme ve
S\)~lam bir temel olu~lurdu§una lnandlklan 2010·2012 yrllaro i~ -QI(jaki KOtiOrel
Del)i0im Program1 uzerindemutabak~ta vam,,tardrr.
Ta rafla•.
11) Ka~rhkh kulturel de~eroerini de&lel<lemek yoloyla evrenset kUitore katkr(l;l
bulunmak amacryla kUitOr &ahalannda lfbltQginl g~nclirocek :
(2) SinMla alar>rnda b;r ila uc (1 • 3) uzmanrn daili$iminde bulunulmaso
e>lmak haftalaunrn dUzenlenmesini te$vik edecek :
(3) Film yapome11an tarafondan mil$(ere~ fdm yapom1n1
amacryla ilgili film kurumlaro arasnda i$bitlil)ini te$vik edll!Cek:
(4) Olkeleri nde dOzenJene<:ek ulu81araraSI film lestivalleritle profesyonel kosa ve
uzun fnlerin ve sirw:matograO:inn (yOnetmenler, oyuncular ve
katollm•n• kolayla$tuacak ve konuyla ilg~i bilgi saQtayacak:
(5) Sin9111atografi alamoda i~bi~191ni lle$1ekleyecek ve yekdi1)erini uluoslao
konferans, kongre, atotye ve sempozyumlarla ilgili bilg~eodlrecek.
(6) Sinematografoole
bilgi. yayon ""belgolerin
d~miode bul unaca~tlr.
(1) tllketerinde sana I alanonda dilzentenecek ulustar8raso sergiler.
sempozyumtar ve benzerl dil)er etkinliklere ka~ll oklo kattllmo Ozeodlrecek:
(2) Hal~ kOIIOIIlalanonda yayonlann (kolaplar, kataloglar ve bro~rter) de,~i$iimio'lde
bulunulmllsono le$vlk edecek:
(3) Geleneksel el sanauan ve halk k~ltoro
duzen!enmestni ()zendirecek ve konuyfa
alanonda kaflohkhh e:~:~:::~~
i!gili yayontarrn d
(4) Ta~onmaz kOiturel anotla nn, arl<eolojik ve doi)al sit alanfannon, korunmaso ve
yenirenmesi .a1an1nda sergllerin dUzenieM\esini ve uzmanlarmm ve cmm
insanlannon bu konuda duzenlenecek u1uslararaso kongre, konferans ve
sempozyumlara kat•hmo,. ka"lohkh olarak te~vik edecek1ir.
Arke<llojl vo Milzocltlk
(1) Arkeoloji, tarih. miizedlik alanlaronda i~birli~; yapaeak ve yayon ve uzmanlaron
de{li~iminde bulunacak:
(2) ll9ili UNESCO s6zl8~meleri ve imzact olduklart di(ier ulu;lararasr ~::~~~~:~~:'11
uyannca klrltGre1 ve tarihsel a'a~tlnlmaSI. korunma&l ve rr
alanlarooda i~bir'lji yapaeak:
kOIIO<el anotlar. ar<ealojik ve dogal sir alanlaronon
korunmas•. muhafazas• ve restorasyo,..u alan.nda uzmanlarm. uzmanhQ1n
yayonlaron de9i1jlminde bulunaeak:
(4} Taranar arasrndaki kOiturel ve lariMel bag lara i li~kin olarak ilki 201 1 yrilna
~adar Endonezya laratmdao Aceh'de (NAD) dUzenlenmel< Ozere i~i ulkede
seminerler diitenlenmasi tw&u&unda i;birli1jj yapacaktrl.
Sahne Sanatlan
(4. 1) Taraflar,
(1) nyatro, milzik ve t;!ans alanrnc!a, oyun yaza rtarrnro belrlenece~
oyunla nnrn tercumesi. tiyatro idare!erinin, ytinetmenterin, oyuncu ve
dans~ rlann de~i$iminde bulunulmas r da dahll olmak Ozere i>bifti\lini,
(2) Mali imkanla rr OIC(lstlnde. $8hne sanaftan eOitimi alanrnda
atOiyelrui ve mU$1erek seminerler diizentenmesini ve Olkelerinrde I
duzenteneoek sahne sanatran testlvallerine katrilmr le$vik edec&klerc!ir.
(4.2) Taraflar sahne sanatlan alanrnda
ortak bir
ara$trrma yurOiebilifler.
mO ~terek
kUiliir yaralllmasr arrracryllq
Flkri MUlklyet Haklan
Program kapsammoa biim. sanat ve edebiyat a~:~:~::~~ ~~
elkinlitderin sonu91en Taraflarrn Glkelerinde til<ri '
korunmasrna injkin yasa ve dOzenlemelere tabi olacaktlf.
Taranar. ulusal mevzuattarr ve aynca her ikisrnin de aklt Tarat oldu~l~ n
uluslararaso anla§malara uygun olarak. sbzl<on~su naklar bu Program ~ap sa m
yurutOien etklnhlderle rlg~ i otdugu Olr;tJde, diger Tatlllm vata•da§lannrn
kurumlarrnrn fikri mulkiyet hakla(JI\1 ~aflrh kh olarak koruyacaklrr.
Taraftar. likri mulkiyet haklaflnrn korunmas r alanrndaki ortak menfaat ice•retJ
konulara ili$kin olarak. Dunya Ticaret Org ~tO (DTO). OOnya Fikri Mulkiyet Or,g iitu
(WIPO) ve cliger ilgili utuslarara~r orgutler 9er~vesinde uygun oldu§u
isti$arelerde bulunacak ve i*birligr yapacaktrr.
KOitUrel Varhk l<a~ak~olo§onon Onlenmesi
Taraflar. sanal es..Jerinin ve k~I!Orel varhklaronon yasadll' ijhalal, ihracal
nakliyatorun Onlenme&i konusunda i~birli~i yapacak ve kultureJ varhklaronon )'~~~~}~
tlcaretini Onlemek anlay.,oV)a g~mr\lk makamlan yoluyoa gerekli Onleyici II!
ihtllaflann Halli
i~bu Kunurel Oegi~im Programonon yoriHI11anmasonda wya u~;~,~;~~~:::·:1
ortaya ~·kabllecek. her t~r ihlilaf. Taranar aril$1rnla lto'!lane yol arta
veya mozakereler yoluyla ~ozome kavu~turulacakl or.
G'lllfll ve l\llall Hukumter
(&.1) l1bu Program 9er~vesinde ongorulen tum cregi~im vo etkintikler, ~:;~~:;;;
mevzuattan uyaronca. mevcut mati k8Yf'<'klar (!ahilinde ve d
yollada uygulanacaklll.
Program. Taranar arasmda diplomatik youardan kararlaflonlacak
kultorel e1kiillik veya deg~imlerin icrasona veya bunlara litirake engel
{8.3) TaraOar. ~u Programda 011gorulen elkinliklerin ve degi~imleoin oyi bicoimd'al
uygulanmasono sa~ larnak amacoyla. heyetlerin. gruplar.n ve
planlanan ziyaretlerim. adlan ve seyahal programlaroyla birlikte en az
Onceden btrbirlerine bilditeeeklerdir. Kesin vant ve ay(lh~ tarihleti en az
hafta tlnoe<len olellte~kli<
(8.4) Taranao. bilimsel ara~Jorma ve ~ah~ma taleplerini. Taraflann
mevzuatlaro ~~vesinde iletece~ ve sonu~landorecaklardor .
Ba~ka ~kilde belirtilmedik~e. Gonderen Tara!. heyet oyelerinin
ki~ll&rln vluslararaso gid i~·dbrw~ tvaro~ nokJasona gi<!i~ ve dO nu~) ula~·~
masrananm. Kabul Eden Ta rat ise 1.iyaret~inin kah~1y1a ilgili :.oJa~·~•ak
.~~- ~~~~
kar~olayaca~t ot .
(8 6) KabUl Eden Tarat. ziyaret~lerin ve bursiyerlerin acil durumtarda ve
hastahklarl halifldebir devlet haslanesinde ucretslz llbbi
saQiayaca~t •r. Uzun vadeli ha stane te<lavlsi du rumunda verilen
yard•m. acil otmayan amelyallar ve eli~ protezleri
(8.7) Tai'lhi belgelertn ntmtertnin. mikrol~mlerinin
maS<aflan talep eden taratya
(8.8 ) Gonderen Tarat. haznhk
"• fotoatallannon hal~ri!IMl~
olarak tarih
serginin konusomu Kabul Eden Tarata en az on ik• (12) ay ~~~~~~:~
bildirecektit. Sergi ivin oerAkli duzenlemelerin yapllabllmesi i>in
Tarat. ongorOien sergiye ili~in olara~ temel teknit. bilgi ve
basotmas• icin gere~li malr.emeyt (Onsoz. objelerin rrstesi. foto§ranar
sergi 3Cihf'ndan en az ~ (3) ay Oncesondcn sB\)Iamo~ olacaklrr. SergilerJ
ac•h ~lanndan en az on b~ (15) gOn Oncesinden va n~
varm1~ ofacakbr.
(6.9) Gonderen Tara!. sergi malzemesi nin Kabul Eden Tarafave Kabul
Taraltan gonderilmesine iliykin nakil ve sigorta masraflanno ka r~••la)racak!Jf
Kabul eden Taraf. ser9i malzemes inin yerel nakU ve ,tgorta masraflan
aerglleme alanona ili~in giderleri kar~olayacaktor.
(6. 10)Tarafla r, •~bu Programda ongoroten del)i $irnlefe kalolacak k~iter il;in uy•uur
vozelerm sagtanmas• konusunda ulusal mevzuattan uyannca kolayi11U
YOrOrWk, Dagl~lkJ ik, Sure ve Fesih HUkOmlerl
(1) l tbu Program. an•lan belgenin yOrurtoOe girmesi i~in gerekli il; yasal ~:~~~::~~
tamam land•§•no birbilierine diplomatik yol arta blldircflkteri son yaz•h
t~l1nd 1~ 1 tarihte yi.i,UrfUQe gi r~cektif
(2) l~bu Program. Ta raflann kar~JilldJ nzasoyla degi'!lirilebihr. DeQi~ikl;kler
maddenin birinci lokrasonda befirtilen su rec uyatJnca yOrOrliil)e girecektir.
(3) i~bu Program . yOrUrtOOe girl' tarihlnd~n ~•baren 3 y•lllk sU.e i<rrn '1\ilrOriUid:GI
kalac~ ve suresinrn bitiminden 6 ay once Akot Tarallardan bin Program• sorou
erdirme niyetini diQer Iaraia diplomatik yollarla yaz •h olarak bildirme<ligi takdird e.
ydl1k siireler it;in kendi,iginden uzayacakltr.

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k ~ J.~

k ~ J.~ Entry Into Foree. Amendments, Duration an d Termi1>aUon (1) The present Program shall enter into force on th& date ol lhe reteipt ot the last written notification by which the Parties notify each o...



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