The Disobedient Mistress(Sister Brides #2)


The Disobedient Mistress(Sister Brides #2)
The Disobedient Mistress(Sister Brides #2)
by Lynne Graham
I give this one 3.5 stars. Cute, fast read with an interesting story and plot. However, it is not as well done as the
sequel...the Heiress Bride. I somehow felt it lacked depth and emotion. There were too many characters and
consequently not one got the depth required for a five star read.
Except maybe the hero. I really did love the hero, Leone, in spite of his very cruel and vicious actions in the very
beginning. He was certainly one ruthless Sicilian bent on avenging his sister's death. However, he quickly falls for
the heroine and realizes the mistakes he has put in motion. But, he finds that he has no way to stop them. As a
reader I got caught up in watching things explode right in front of him and I could see how much he wanted to
make amends to the heroine.
I think my biggest disappointment was the heroine. She just didn't seem realistic to me. She was portrayed as this
altruistic person, but she really only cared about herself. She just felt fake and plastic. I was appalled at how
quickly she agreed to marriage. Again her reasoning was all about her and how good it would be for her. Not the
baby, not Leone...but just her.
|Aşkın Varisinden sonra Gelin Kızkardeşler serisinin ikinci kitabı idi..Bu hikayede Freddy'nin kayıp ikiz
kardeşlerinden Misty Carlton'un hikayesi idi..
Jaspar ile evlenen Freddy kız kardeşlerini ararken ikiz kız kardeşi de çok zengin ve karizmatik bir erkek Leone
Andrecchi adındaki bir Sicilyalının tuzağına düşmüştü..Çünkü babasının kim olduğunu bilmeyen Misty onu işlediği
günah yüzünden bir intikam maşasına bu adam dönüştürülecekti..
Çok zengin bir adam olan OLiver Sargent yüzünden kız kardeşini kaybeden Leone intikam meleğine dönüşmüş
gözü bir intikamdan başka bir şey görmüyordu..
Çok zengin bir adam olan OLiver Sargent yüzünden kız kardeşini kaybeden Leone intikam meleğine dönüşmüş
gözü bir intikamdan başka bir şey görmüyordu..
işlettiği şirketin ayakta durması olağan üstü güç satfeden Misty işini Leone tarafından baltalandığını bilmeden
onun tuzağına düşmüş tanımadığı babasından Leone'nin intikam almasında rol oynayacaktı..
Bu hikayede bence güzeldi..
|From 1 to 10: 7.0 (My personal rating scale)
This wasn't a memorable book :/|The h is a sweet good hearted 22 year old with a painful past. The H is a typical
alpha male. He is intent on exacting revenge on the h's biological father and has decided to use the h as the
means to ruin him. The h doesn't even know who her biological father is but the H has come up with justifications
for why it's ok to use her. Unfortunately for him he very quickly falls for her and it's too late to stop the revenge
drama and the h is hurt by his actions. Fortunately the H knows how to grovel with passion and the Hea is
|Nice romance but I couldn't warm up to the heroine for some reason. The hero was a sexy and romantic Sicilian
but the heroine was not good enough for him. She was kind of cold and indifferent. She didn't quite deserved